International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science
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Date and venue
 [October 21st (Sun)]
16:00 - 20:00 Registration & Welcome Reception
 [October 22nd (Mon)]
9:00 - 9:30 Opening Session: Tribute to the Honorary Chair, J. M. Lee (APRI, GIST)
  D. Normand (CEA-Saclay)
9:30 - 12:00 Session I:  Laser particle acceleration
  Discussion Leader:
Y. Fukuda (JAEA)
Invited speakers:
W. Leemans (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
T. Hosokai (Osaka University)
A. Macchi (CNR-INO)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 15:30 Session II:  Ultrafast hydrogen migration 
  Discussion Leader:
D. Mathur (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Invited speakers:
K. Yamanouchi (The University of Tokyo)
K.-M. Weitzel (Philipps University of Marburg)
M. Kitzler (Vienna University of Technology)
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00 Session III:  Laser induced electron scattering
  Discussion Leader:
P. Agostini (Ohio State University)
Invited speakers:
J.-M. Rost (MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems)
R. Kanya (The University of Tokyo)
18:00 - Dinner
 [October 23rd (Tue)]
8:30 - 10:30 Session IV:  Atoms and molecules in intense laser fields I (Theory)
  Discussion Leader:
F. Faisal (Bielefeld University)
Invited speakers:
A. Bandrauk (University of Sherbrooke)
H. Kono (Tohoku University)
10:30 - 11:30 Short presentations for poster papers
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch break
12:30 - 14:30 Poster Session & Coffee
>> List of poster presentations
14:30 - 17:00 Session V:  Application of filamentation in air
  Discussion Leader:
R. Li (SIOM)
Invited speakers:
S. L. Chin (Laval University)
T. Fujii (CRIEPI)
S. Henin (University of Geneva)
17:00 - 19:00 Session VI:  Strong-field ionization with FEL and X-ray lasers
  Discussion Leader:
A. Rudenko (Kansas State University)
Invited speakers:
A. Iwasaki (The University of Tokyo)
L. DiMauro (Ohio State University)
19:00 - Dinner
 [October 24th (Wed)]
9:00 - 11:00 Session VII:  HHG ‘Novel attosecond and intense sources’
  Discussion Leader:
Z. Chang (University of Central Florida)
Invited speakers:
C. H. Nam (KAIST)
K. Midorikawa (RIKEN)
11:00 - 12:00 Sponsors' Session I
  “Large size and high performances diffraction gratings for Petawatt-class laser pulse compression”
A. Cotel (HORIBA Jobin Yvon)
“Power amplifier for Ti:Sapphire multi-100 TW and PW laser systems”
J. Moser (Amplitude Technologies)
“Introduction of diode pumped ultrafast amplifier laser for XUV generation”
J. Sasaki (Japan Laser Corporation)
“Short-wavelength infrared pulses characterization: recent developments”
H. Jousselin (Fastlite)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - Free Discussion
 [October 25th (Thu)]
9:00 - 11:00 Session VIII:  New laser technology for high-field physics
  Discussion Leader:
K. Yamakawa (JAEA)
Invited speakers:
T. M. Jeong (APRI-GIST)
L. Roso (University of Salamanca/CLPU)
11:00 - 12:00 Sponsors' Session II
  “Meeting Tomorrow’s Challenges in Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilization”
A. Grujic/F. Lücking (Femtolasers)
“Recent advances in high peak power and average power ultrafast lasers”
A. Soujaeff (Thales Japan/Thales Optronique)
“Recent developments in commercial Ultrafast lasers at Coherent Inc.”
P. Féru (Coherent Inc.)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 15:00 Session IX:  Atoms and molecules in intense laser fields II (Experiment)
  Discussion Leader:
F. Légaré (INRS-EMT)
Invited speakers:
R. Itakura (JAEA)
J. Ahn (KAIST)
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 18:00 Session X:  Attosecond dynamics
  Discussion Leader:
P. Martin (CEA-Saclay)
Invited speakers:
A. Maquet (P. and M. Curie University- Paris)
G. Paulus (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)
18:00 - Banquet
 [October 26th (Fri)]